There is a time to let things happen, and a time to make things happen.- Anonymous If you have been successful, excelled or triumphed in certain areas of your life then chances are that you have likely taken some degree of initiative to do that. Initiative is moving...
True motivation comes from within. Motivation is having the inner impetus to bring your desires to life. What are your desires? Sometimes in our busy lives we get so preoccupied with staying on top of things that we ignore our inner hunches and feelings. There are big...
December is a wonderful month filled with a flurry of activities: lots to prepare, places to go, plans to organize, surprises along the way, and things forgotten to be squeezed onto the list. Long lost relatives to be found, friends to make merry with and gatherings...
As children our growth is encouraged and nurtured by our parents, our siblings, our uncles and aunts, our cousins, our grandparents and whoever else is part of our childhood. There is sunshine, fresh air to breathe and food to eat. There are trees, birds, the sky, and...