You and I are essentially infinite choice makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.
– Deepak Chopra

We are born with a purpose to live life and experience through the choices we make in order to expand our state of consciousness. We are all unique and special. In fact, the Universe, God, The All, as it is would not exist without you. Yes, it would exist, but it would be different.

The truth is there are limitless possibilities for us to choose from and when we follow our intuition or gut feeling on a particular choice and follow through on that inspiration, everything inevitably works out.

Sure, the path to accomplishing our goals may not always go smoothly; there are often obstacles that show up in our path. This is when it is time to remember that we are the Divine Spark of God as religion says lies within us, and, when we align ourselves with this infinite energy, solutions do show up.

So, when you feel stuck, this is the time to refresh your commitment to your goal be it spiritual, personal, business or social. Your human part for different reasons can be anxious about change and worries about the law of Karma. Whereas your God-like part resonates with love and the unlimited supply of perfect abundance, health, love and self-expression under divine grace for you. Wayne Dwyer, for example, wrote a book entitled You Will See It When You Believe It that was based on his experience of believing in himself and holding firmly to his dream under what seemed impossible circumstances and eventually coming out on top.

Challenges resolved are what create opportunity to expand our state of consciousness and lead us to maturity and even more opportunities with infinite possibilities.

Here are some suggestions to find a way forward when things get difficult:

  • Make a decision based on your intuition or gut instinct.
  • Trust and believe that it is possible to achieve.
  • Keep faith in your progress no matter what.
  • Affirmations work! Choose any affirmation that feels right to you. Current scientific research has shown that affirmations work by lighting up an area of the brain that makes us more receptive to accepting.
  • Take time daily to review your goal. Solitude with your Inner Guidance will help keep you on track. Be alert to insights and signs leading to steps you need to take.
  • Follow through on your goal. Action is essential!
  • Remember that challenges are opportunities to strengthen your resolve and often lead to something better. Keep going!

“Reincarnation: The Evolution of My Soul”

Rose Hamilton
If this blog appeals to you, the writer, Australian Inner Peace Movement international leader, Rose Hamilton, will be presenting a 3-hour seminar “Reincarnation: The Evolution of My Soul” on the 26 th of May at 7am AEST in Australia [May 25 th at 5pm Eastern Time in North America] Get a fresh perspective on your life’s opportunity with this unique presentation.
“I revisited this course after taking it a few years ago and found that my insights from where I am at now were quite profound.”
– Rose Hamilton

Click HERE for more information and to register.

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