To be conscious is to be aware of or to respond to one’s surroundings. Even an amoeba, which is a unicellular organism that can be seen only under a microscope, is very conscious for it will move away from harmful substances and has the ability to change its shape.
Through our seven year cycles of life we grow more conscious of ourselves and our environment both inwardly and outwardly. Our first cycle, up to the age of seven is the cycle of feelings. Around the age of six of seven we generally start going to school and the next cycle up to the age of fourteen is known as the cycle when we develop our intellect or conscious mind. We begin to ask a lot of questions and want to consciously understand the world around us.

What about our subconscious mind, our innate feelings, our awareness of and the development of our own personal sensitivity? We all have multiple types of inner sensitivity, like the amoeba but on a much grander scale. Extra sensory perception – the ability to pick up thoughts, impressions, hunches and energy patterns – brings to our conscious awareness more than the eye can see, the ear can hear, the nose can smell, the fingers can feel or the tongue can taste. We often refer to this ability as the sixth sense. Our intellect or conscious mind will determine how our inner awareness grows and unfolds in a balanced way through our life depending on how we have been programmed to feel, think and act during our early childhood years. Were we encouraged to listen to ourselves and to trust ourselves or were we trained to doubt what we are sensing?
Spiritually, energy-wise, we are connected to all things in the universe and our personal feelings have no separation from anything. We can feel one with all things when we trust ourselves.

Try these simple steps for more balance, to consciously acknowledge what you are feeling:
- Spiritual cleansing techniques
- Meditation
- Tai Chi, Qi Gong or similar practices
- Walks in nature
Just by acknowledging the reality of our divine existence we begin to continuously expand our innate awareness and grow in sensitivity to the world in which we live and exist. As we consciously recognize and accept our perceptions each day we grow in balance of having a thought for every feeling and a feeling for every thought. We then find ourselves moving through life with purpose and direction accompanied by a high degree of intelligence, security, joy and harmony. Have you ever felt alive? Have you ever felt like a million dollars? Self- awareness or self-discovery is an exciting, uplifting and joyful daily experience. When I became aware that, regardless of my personal physical situation or the world around me, spiritually we all have equal opportunity to grow, expand, to be ourselves, and to express our true essence. It was then that I started to come back home to the real me, my true essence and began to fulfil the meaning of my life`s purpose wholeheartedly.