Mandana Rastan

Mandana Rastan is a certified instructor and consultant with the Inner Peace Movement. She helps people to be more joyful and in charge of their life by seeing themselves more clearly and being true to themselves. She shares practical tools and techniques and a step-by-step program to help you trust yourself more, be more relaxed, positive and present, and direct energy toward manifesting your goals. She shares, “Learning to communicate with my spirit guides as well as discerning energy, keeping my energy clear and buffered, and developing my intuition and inner radar helped me be more in charge of my energy and overcome doubts and worries. Everyone can do that. You can find your own answers and create the life you want with inner security and confidence. With patience you can become more resilient and see challenges as opportunities for learning, growth and success.”

Mandana has also been teaching English to newcomers to Canada for over 30 years, helping them gain confidence in their communication skills and integrate into Canadian society.

“Having balance and peace of mind becomes a part of life when you gain clarity and self-understanding,” says Mandana. “You can celebrate who you are while being in harmony with others and of service in your own unique way.”

Love, Light and Inner Freedom: FREE Talk

October 28 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Online via Zoom – PDT
In the Pacific Timezone, British Columbia Canada