There is a universe of magic in the word “Potential”. Close your eyes. Feel it. What do you see? What do you sense? Potential can be both the seed of a dream and the journey of its growth. It contains all possibilities and opportunities. It is like a gift you can unwrap slowly over time. It is a seed that you can plant and nurture.What you can dream you can achieve.

We need to consider how to help ourselves by using our potential. By standing in the shadows, we are not helping ourselves or anyone else. We need to connect to that part of ourselves that wants to be part of something bigger than us. By trusting ourselves we are more open to the inspirations that come to us, and by paying attention to those insights we become aware that they are not just our imagination. There’s a whole world to discover and to indulge in by being who we are. We have everything we need for our success and what we would like to accomplish in our life. When we trust ourselves, we open the door to an ever widening path that extends far beyond our imagination.

To practice expanding your potential, here are some suggestions:

  • When dealing with challenges, quiet your mind, go within and ask for guidance. Relax and take time to listen. The message may come to you in various forms – a still small voice with thoughts or ideas, pictures or symbols, a song, a feeling, or an inner knowing.

  • Be aware of your own motivations and feelings. Make decisions that are right for you, in harmony with your heart’s desire. Let your heart be your guide.
  • Start and end each day with gratitude and reflect in peace and quiet. Feeling thus more anchored, you will be less susceptible to the turbulence of the physical world.
  • Trust the deep well of inner resources you have that will guide you on your path every step of the way. Make your spiritual life a priority so you make the most of your time on planet earth.

Every day is a clean slate, a fresh canvas for creating your life. Every moment is an opportunity for a new beginning. That is the potential that life offers you with all generosity.

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